IDEAS 4.0Hugua

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Hugua has had an extensive experience as guest speakers in various international seminars and symposia, including in Las Vegas, Orlando, Barcelona, London, Singapore, and The Philippines.

Formerly, he was appointed as the Regent of Wakatobi in Southeast Sulawesi. During his period, he had received numerous awards from various national and international environmental organizations, government agencies, media, and other institutions. These awards were given for his dedication in environmental protection (e.g. from WWF, The Nature Conservancy, Business & CSR Magazine, SSI Scuba, Gatra Magazine, SCTV, and the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries), as well as leadership and government services (e.g. from United Nations Development Programme in achieving Millenium Development Goal, Metro TV, Sustainable Spatial Planning Award from the Minister of Public Works, MDG Leadership Award from Coordinating Ministry of People’s Welfare, Specific and Unique Tourism Destination Award from the Ministry of Tourism, Cipta Abdi Negara Award from the Ministry of Administrative & Bureaucratic Reform, as well as Innovative Government Award and Satya Lencana Pembangunan from The Ministry of Home Affairs.

Hugua is also an avid diver and his been a source guest for Kick Andy Show in Metro TV, with the episode titled “Bukan Bupati Biasa” (“Not Your Regular Regent”), and also a source during the Underwater Interview by SCTV’s Liputan 6 Siang, broadcast directly from Sombu dive site in his regency in Wakatobi. Hugua is also an author, having written the book “Surgaisme Landasan Tatanan Dunia Baru” (Heavenism as a Foundation for New World Order”) as his second title after his debut “Kaya dan Miskin adalah Pilihan” (To be Rich or Poor is a Choice). He is currently working on finishing his third book, “Sang Pemimpin Bumi” (TheLeader of Earth).