IDEAS 6.0Alissa Munawaroh

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Alissa Munawaroh have been working in social sectors since she left university in 1991. She worked as youth counselor, then moved up to Program Manager of Reproductive Health for  Youth.  She then continued to work on Gender Equality issues,  before pursing her Master Degree in Psychology in Gajah Mada  University, Jogjakarta, Indonesia.

Alissa co-founded an early childhood education center in 2004 and served as the Director. As a psychologist, she run parenting  sessions and workshops on family issues.  Alissa also has been focusing on managing Gusdurian Network  Indonesia to promote active citizenship, democracy, and faith  cooperation since 2010. She has been chosen to be Civil  Society Ambassador for Sustainable Development Goals in  Indonesia. She currently holds a position as General Secretary  for Nahdatul Ulama’s (NU) Family Welfare Agency.  She  envisions and develops programs to promote and strengthen  resilient, strong, just and moderate Moslem families.  She  represents NU in UNFPA’s Global Faith Based Organizations  Leaders on Reproductive Health and Rights since 2014.

Alissa awarded Eisenhower Fellow in 2015 and King Abdul Aziz  International Center of Inter-religious and Intercultural Dialogue  (KAICIID) to conduct advance training on inter- religious and  intercultural dialogue.