IDEAS 6.0Eva Kusuma Sundari

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Eva Sundari develops interest on development issues. Eva chose to enter the Economics Department at Faculty of Economic, Airlangga  University, Surabaya. Then she continued to study at the Hague for  MA. in Politics of Alternative Development Strategy in 1996 and  M.Sc. in Economics and Development Economics at University of  Nottingham, UK in 2000.

From 1997 to 2004, Eva conducted numerous research works  focused on gender mainstreaming and women empowerment. She  also wrote number of training modules on pro-poor and gender  responsive budget advocacies as well as various articles on gender  issues in newspaper.

As a member of parliament since 2004, Eva became one legal  drafter of several bills such as, among others: anti- discrimination  based on races and ethnicity, ombudsman law, and Indonesian  workers in abroad.