IDEAS 5.0Ayu Nyoman Purbasari

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Purbasari (Sari) Surjadi is heading Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) Global Monitoring and Evaluation division.  Prior to this role, Sari was COO of SFP where she managed and oversaw SFP global operation for 3 years. She is also co-founder of SFP along with Jim Cannon, SFP’s CEO in 2006.  

She has a BS in marine biology at University of Indonesia and MS in coastal zone management from Florida Institute of Technology and led several marine projects in Indonesia.  Sari was the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund Grant Manager for Sumatra at Conservation International Indonesia, where she managed a grant portfolio of ten million dollars and gained extensive experience in running small grants programs to local NGOs.  Prior to this role Sari was deputy director of Conservation International Indonesia for five years.