IDEAS 5.0Fransiskus Teguh

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Dr. FransTeguh serves as public officer at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, the Republic of Indonesia.  He has an expert on Tourism Management which links to Sustainable Development in Tourism and the founding of the model for Destination Management Organization and Destination Governance in the context of Indonesia. Before joining the Ministry Office, he has been lecturing at Bandung Institute of Tourism as well as guest lecturing across universities/higher education in tourism. Besides, he is Chairman of Center of Integrated Sustainable Management Studies on Tourism, Environment and Social Development – in 1999 focuses on advocacy, consultation and capacity building for Sustainable Management Studies, and founding chair of Voluntourism Network (Volunteer Tourism Network – Vtnet – in 2011 focuses on advocacy, empowerment and networking  providing volunteerism values throughout regional and community development in tourism.

Frans published the books of : Manajemen Destinasi Pariwisata (co-authored with Prof Damanik) focuses on Tourism Destination  Management as Introduction in 2012; Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism, Concept, Lessons and Best Practices  (co-editor  and co-writer with RizkyAvenzora) in 2013. His new book : Tata KelolaDestinasiPariwisata  (Author ) focuses on the implementation on Destination Management Organization, Destination Governance, Balancing Value of ethics, aesthetics and economics as well as Locality,  will be published in October 2014.

He holds a Doctor in Tourism with cum laude  from Gadjah Mada University, Jogyakarta (2012) and graduated his Master of Arts in Tourism and Hospitality Management from Bournemouth University, United Kingdom (1997) and Bachelor in Tourism Management from Bandung Institute of Tourism (1995).

He currently is Director of Tourism Destination Design and Investment, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (MTCE), post holding the position as Head of Planning and Cooperation in Tourism. More information about him can be reached to