Meity was born in a village in the Bunaken National Park area on 18 May 1972, and grew up in a very dependent community on marine resources. This is what first inspired her to continue working in marine management - to ensure the quality of natural resources can be maintained in the future.
Meity majored in marine science studies at the University of Sam Ratulangi and then focused her professional efforts on conservation issues in various marine protected area projects. In establishing the Bunaken National Park, Meity
successfully promoted a participatory approach in developing its management plan in 1997, in turn contributing to the adaptive management of the park.
In 2000-2005 she helped create the Bunaken National Park collaborative management body which is consist of the representatives of communities, private sector, local governments, universities and the park managers themselves. The body, called Bunaken National Park Advisory Board was the first collaborative management body established for conservation in Indonesia. Under this collaborative management, the Bunaken National Park successfully established its own sustainable financing system based on tourism entrance fees. To ensure the next generation in northern Sulawesi developed the necessary vision of marine conservation for sustainable development, Meity then established the marine conservation education foundation 'Bintang Laut' (Sea Star) which successfully influenced education policy in North Sulawesi by implementing compulsory marine conservation education in school curriculums.
Currently Meity works as the Capacity Building manager in the Papuan Bird's Head Seascape - a flagship program for Conservation International which is supporting the Raja Ampat government to establishing a network of MPAs totalling more than 3.5 million hectares. The Birds Head Seascape is creating a framework for sustainable management of the marine sector by building the requisite skills of local people, while facilitating the government to adopt the approach in regional and national government policy.